Girls’Day at the Plettenberg drawing mill

A day as a materials tester

A total of 3 schoolgirls from the Geschwister-Scholl-Gymnasium Lüdenscheid met on 28 March 2019 in the Plettenberg drawing factory. Occasion: The so-called „Girls’Day“, one of the world’s largest career orientation measures for schoolgirls.

After a welcome by the management and a brief introduction to the company, Markus Hochmuth, materials tester at the Plettenberg drawing mill, introduced the schoolgirls to the entire diversity of the training profession of materials tester. Based on a short tour through individual production areas of bright steel production, this included getting to know the various possibilities of destructive and non-destructive material testing of steel and other materials. For example, the girls were able to determine the mechanical properties of steel in comparison to „hair rubber bands“ by means of tensile tests. Furthermore, in metallography, the students were not only able to observe the structure of steel but also examine their own „necklace pendants“ using the company’s own scanning electron microscope.

As a result, the students were very enthusiastic about the day, the modern facilities, the work opportunities in materials testing and the career prospects.

Read the full article here

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